If there is something that can be called “human nature”, wouldn’t it be contradiction?
Some have gone as far as to call it the main human problem from which all others emerge.
Ernest Becket establishes in his book “The Denial of Death” that from a biological point of view the main goal of every organism (included human beings) is self preservation and reproduction. To him, every organism spends its time trying to preserve and expand its genome.
The matter with human beings is that we‘ve developed conscience and therefore we not only interact with a material world but also with a symbolic world, which means that the task of self preservation and expansion can go to the infinite, because that symbolic world has no limits.
For Becket this creates what he calls the basic anxiety of humans from which every other fear derives : the fear of death. The fact that we know the infinite but we are “trapped” in a finite decaying body makes us fear our extinction. That same body that keeps us alive becomes a menace to the mind or the symbolic self.
We are not educated enough to deny or affirm if this contradiction has such a big importance. However we can’t help but find a parallel between Becket’s perspective and what Albert Camus calls the absurdity of human existence. He writes in “The Myth of Sisyphus” that the human existence is absurd because it has no greater meaning than pushing a rock only for it to fall over again. He proposes 3 solutions to this absurdity: 1. finite suicide or material suicide, 2. infinite suicide or philosophical suicide, 3. the acceptance of this absurdity.
We agree on the idea that the only way to continue living is accepting both infinite and finite and finding a balance between them. There are some who will give more importance to the finite and will focus on getting material riches. As there are some who will see more value in the infinite and will live for an ideology...
...we do circus.
Through circus we train our finite bodies to achieve as much as possible of what the infinite mind has imagined.
So we will create a circus show to search and share our very own way to navigate the waters of human existence.
It will be a show in which we deepen in our own circus and our own humanity... for us they are almost the same.
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